
O & P Labs named Corporate Ambassadors
September 22nd 2017
O & P Labs is honored to be named one of WillPower Foundations Corporate Ambassadors. The award was accepted at their annual golf tournament earlier this month. The WillPower Foundation provides financial support that empowers Western Massachusetts families and individuals with different abilities to meet their unique needs. The Foundation…

Industry-leading Technology
January 3rd 2017
O & P Labs is excited to be featured by Business West and recognized for our Industry-leading Technology!
We are happy to announce our new acquisition and implementation of the following cutting-edge techology:
Spectra 3D scanner
Canfit software from Vorum
Create Orthotics and Prosthetics’ 3D printing system
Read the full article…

Merry Christmas!!!
December 22nd 2016
For the second year in a row our hearts were filled with the joy of giving thanks to CHD!!!

O & P Labs enters into agreement with Mercy LIFE
December 22nd 2016
Orthotics & Prosthetics Laboratories, Inc. is proud to announce its recent partnership with Mercy LIFE. This agreement makes O & P Labs the primary provider of orthotic and prosthetic care to patient’s within the Mercy LIFE program.
Mercy LIFE is a new health care choice for seniors living in Western…

Amputee Support Group
December 21st 2016
Amputee Support Group
Where: HealthSouth—222 State Street, Ludlow, MA 01056
When: Wednesday, December 21th, 5:30—7:30
Who: Anyone touched by limb loss
What: Discussion, Information, Pizza, Refreshments
Sohail Waien, MD, Baystate Health
Robin Gottlieb, MD, Baystate Health
Sherry Greaney, MS,FNP,CWOCN, Baystate Health
Nick Rizas, PT, Inpatient Therapy Manager HealthSouth
Katie MacGregor,…

Wetern Massachusetts 2016 Business Expo
November 4th 2016
O & P Labs was proud to be a part of the 2016 Western Massachusetts Business Expo. The event featured businesses from all over the Pioneer Valley. O & P and Labs highlighted the newest technology in orthotics and prosthetics. Attendees were able to experience what it feels like to…
Super Sixty Winner!
October 31st 2016
O & P Labs is very excited to be one of Springfield Regional Chamber's Super Sixty for 2016!
We would like to extend a special thank you to S. Reichelt & Co., LLC for the nomination!
This recognition is in salute to the entrepreneurial spirit of the region's privately-owned businesses.…

Amputee Support Group
October 27th 2016
Amputee Support Group
Where: HealthSouth—222 State Street, Ludlow, MA 01056
When: Thursday, October 27th, 5:30—7:30
Who: Anyone touched by limb loss
What: Discussion, Information, Pizza, Refreshments
Sohail Waien, MD, Baystate Health
Sherry Greaney, MS,FNP,CWOCN, Baystate Health
Nick Rizas, PT, Inpatient Therapy Manager HealthSouth
Katie MacGregor, PT, AMPED Rehab
Nicole LaCroix,…

O & P Labs renews its Service Provider Agreement with Baystate Health
August 5th 2016
O & P Labs is proud to announce the renewal of their Service Provider Agreement with Baystate Health. The renewal of this agreement continues to make O & P Labs the primary provider of orhotic and prosthetic care for Baystate Health throughout their network. Baystate Health has long been know…
'Tis the Season!
December 18th 2015
This year, O & P had the opportunity to give gifts to some great kids! A huge thanks to CHD for all they do and organizing this great gift giving idea! We wish everyone a happy and healthy holiday season!