Tyler says goodbye to his cranial remolding helmet!

          Today after nearly 4 months, Tyler gets to say GOODBYE to his helmet! Tyler was born with a condition called Positional Plagiocephaly, a disorder in which the back or one side of an infant's head is flattened. It's most often the result of babies spending a lot of time lying on their backs or often being in a position where the head is resting against a flat surface (such as in cribs, strollers, swings, and playpens).

          Because infants' heads are soft to allow for the incredible brain growth that occurs in the first year of life, they're susceptible to being "molded" into a flat shape.

          A cranial remolding orthosis (helmet) provides painless total contact over the prominent areas of the skull and leaves voids over the flattened areas to provide a pathway for more symmetrical skull growth. Treatment generally takes 3–4 months, but varies depending on the infant's age and severity of the cranial asymmetry.

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